Kelowna’s new mega snow blower needs a name
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Kelowna’s new mega snow blower needs a name

Jul 05, 2023

Public Service Announcement

The forecast calls for a downpour, a deluge, but not of snow this time. We’re looking for a flurry of name ideas for our brand-new snow blower.

This lean, mean snow devouring machine can fill 500 trucks per hour. It weighs in at more than 10,000 pounds and can launch snow clear over a house. It’s the Superman of snow blowers, and it’s already changing the way we handle snow removal. All it needs now is a fitting name. Choose the winning name and you’ll forever share in the glory of the machine’s awesome snow-clearing power.

Submit your name suggestion here! We’ll accept submissions until midnight on December 23, when we'll pick the top 10 and put those to a public vote in January 2023. The person with the winning suggestion will get a deluxe snow blower experience, including a photo shoot and demonstration with the snow blower along with a Snow Angels prize pack. Any Kelowna resident can enter – we're excited to hear from Kelowna's youngest residents in particular.

You can suggest as many different names as you like, just re-submit the form for each suggestion.

Visit for details and full contest rules.