Bill Would Create Driver’s License for Electric Bikes
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Bill Would Create Driver’s License for Electric Bikes

Jun 12, 2023

SACRAMENTO — Assemblymember Tasha Boerner issued the following statement after authoring AB 530 to require a license for e-bike riders without an active driver’s license following a recent string of tragedies involving traffic safety.

In order to ensure the safety of our children while they’re riding e-bikes, AB 530 will:

As a mother and a legislator, I believe that we must act to prevent our youth from injuries and educate parents on the promise and responsibility of e-bikes, and AB 530 is another step to increase their safety while sharing the road. Not every parent is a bike rider that can ensure our youth receive proper training. This takes a real commitment from our communities and our State. It will be a long process, and AB 530 is a critical starting point that we’ll continue to work to develop through meetings with stakeholders this fall.

According to the Bill on electric bikes:

Assemblymember Tasha Boerner represents the 77th District, which encompasses Carlsbad, Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, and the coastal communities of La Jolla south to Downtown and Coronado. You can learn more about Assemblymember Boerner at, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Editors Note – California DMV on Electric Bikes

An electric bicycle is a bicycle equipped with fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts. Three classes of electric bicycles have been established:

The operator of a Class 3 electric bicycle:

All electric bicycle classes are exempt from the motor vehicle financial responsibility, DL, and license plate requirements (CVC §24016).

Also note: DMV Highlights New Laws in 2023: The law also permits Class 3 e-bike riders (electric bikes) to use approved bicycle paths and trails, bikeways, and bicycle lanes. In addition, starting on January 1, 2024, the law allows cyclists to cross an intersection when a walk sign is on.

Publisher of and host of several Podcast Shows focusing on Contra Costa County and State of California.

Nanny state knows all and must be all controllingPlus DMV needs more money

Nailed it. All these politicians and the people that support them know is control, control, control.“… we must act to prevent our youth from injuries and educate parents on the promise and responsibility of e-bikes… Not every parent is a bike rider that can ensure our youth receive proper training”. I believe that’s called “parenting”.

When will someone introduce a Bill banning introduction of a stupid Bill?

Hell, awhile your at it , charge per mile tax .

Homeless have created a zombie apocalypse, criminals loot as they want, gas is the highest in the country, California has become a third world country!!!But this typical democrat dip shit is worrying about electric bikes!!!!!!!!!!Wake up people!!Vote these rich, ridiculous, corrupt politicians out!!!!!!!Pay attention and vote!!

Pretty soon, CA is going to charge us for the air we breathe!

I am outraged by this bill. I don’t have a license and had been thinking of getting an ebike. If this bill passes I think that idea will be scrapped.

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